We have a quick chat with Bradford Stricker, Commercial Manager for Electric Kiwi.
What’s your background?

I’m a born and bred Wellingtonian, and studied Marketing & Management at Victoria. After a couple of years in the workforce I decided to head to Canada for a ski season, then on to London – where I lived on and off for 8 years working for hedge funds and asset management companies. I balanced this out with big breaks travelling through South America, India and Nepal.
What do you do at Electric Kiwi?
My official title is “Commercial Manager” and my role is pretty broad. I work on projects, help out anyone that needs it, test our systems, undertake business analysis, answer customer queries, and look for opportunities.
What do you like about working for a start-up?
I like the innovative thinking, and the mentality of getting stuck in and helping out no matter what your role. Every day is different. Wearing shorts and jandals to work is also a plus!
What’s for dinner?
Scotch Fillet on the rarer side of medium rare with Braddels Mash (kumara, pumpkin, cauliflower and broccoli),steamed cavolo nero, kale and a sprinkling of Himalayan salt.