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All the different savers

Kiwi Mobile mascot calculates savings on mobile data plan.
Wow, such savings! Kiwi finds amazing deals on mobile data with Kiwi Mobile. Check out our plans and start saving today!

The Kiwi Mobile Choice plan is flexible, fair and designed to save you money.

You don’t need to worry about running out of max speed data (you can use up to 100GB per month), and only pay for the max speed data that you need. 

The best part is that all kinds of data users can save money. Whether you use a little or a lot each month, or even if your usage is a bit random (using heaps of max speed sometimes and just a little other times).

Below we’ll show you a few real examples from random people we know (okay, they’re staff, but the usage is 100% real). This will show just how cool the Choice plan is, and how it could save you money!

Type 1: The ‘buy enough, but don’t always use it’ people.

Annual Saving: $271

This is a common group in NZ. People who never want to run out of max speed data, so they buy enough to make sure that this does not happen (or at least very rarely). These types can end up paying for max speed data that they don’t use, especially in quieter months. So how does this look when we look at a real 12 months of bills?

The key difference with Kiwi Mobile’s Choice Plan, is that our plan flexes with your data usage. You don’t need to pay for 12, 15 or 100 GBs of max speed data every month just in case you might need it. You commit to 5GBs, and then after that you can use up to 100GBs of max speed data each month. 

This is Andy. To make the comparison fairer, below we’ve compared his old telco’s 15GB plan (the one they have in market based on our review done on 16/07/24)) – but note that in September, he was actually slowed down on his old 12GB plan. As you can see, every month he would have been better off on Kiwi Mobile’s Choice plan, and based on Andy’s actual usage he would have saved $271 over the last year with Kiwi Mobile.

Type 2: The ‘use more than you buy’ people.

Annual Saving: $167

So this is Tessa. She is with a big Telco and pays $63 a month for 12GBs of max speed data. As you can see below Tessa gets slowed down a LOT because she frequently uses more than 12GB of max speed data each month . In fact she was using endless data (at 1.2MB/s) 11 months out of the 12 we looked at.

Endless data is great! It can help you control costs. With Kiwi Mobile’s Choice plan, you get endless data too (at the end of every tiers). The difference is that you can keep to max speed all the way to 100GBs each month if you want to without any hassle. You are in charge.

So comparing Tessa’s usage, she could have stayed on max speed data with Kiwi Mobile every month, and she still would have saved $167 over the year! Cool huh?

Note that Tessa is still on this plan, but the big telco she is with does not offer this plan anymore according to their website (review done on 16/07/24). The closest current option from this telco would be 18GBs of endless data for $72 a month.

Type 3: The ‘buy lots, but hardly ever use it’ people

Annual Saving: $298

Let’s take a look at Christine. She was buying 12GBs of max speed data for $65 a month (Like Andy, she could now upgrade to 15GBs of max speed data for the same price with the big telco).

Unlike Andy, Christine hardly ever uses lots of max speed data. And like lots of Kiwis, she has a bigger allowance because she does not want to get slowed down. 

So based on the year’s usage shown, Christine would have saved $298 over the year with Kiwi Mobile. She’d have stopped buying so much max speed data that didn’t end up being used – but she would have the freedom to use as much as she likes. That’s better aye?

It’s worth noting that even on the same big telco’s $45 plan (with 5GBs of max speed data), Christine would still have saved $58 with Kiwi mobile. So there is no need to have data anxiety anymore. Just get all the fast data you need, and pay for what you use!

Note that Christine is still on this plan, but the big telco she is with does not offer this plan anymore according to their website (review done on 16/07/24). The closest current option from this telco would be 15GBs of endless data for $65 a month. This would not change the comparison above.

The Kiwi Mobile Choice plan is like having one plan that’s all the plans. Use a little one month, and heaps the next, but only pay for the max speed data that you actually use.

Maybe it’s time

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