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Industry Watch

Freepower-what’s the catch?

Some of you might be thinking “what’s the catch…is the Hour of Power actually free?” Yes, 100% free. You will not be charged...

EK in the MediaIndustry Watch

Electric Kiwi in the Bay of Plenty Times

The Bay of Plenty Times has published a great article about checking your power deal via www.powerswitch.org.nz. By comparing prices on www.powerswitch.co.nz for...

EK in the MediaIndustry Watch

Free power: Why it’s good for the country too

Electric Kiwi has a smart way to help you save even more money. We call it the Hour of Power. It’s simple really,...

EK in the MediaIndustry Watch

Electric Kiwi in the media: Stuff.co.nz and Radio NZ

We’re independent. Electric Kiwi is the smaller, smarter power company. Read about our launch on Stuff.co.nz:


2 ways to compare your power deal (without needing a PhD)

There are two free independent websites to help you find out if you’re on the best electricity deal for your household – or...

Unpacked moving boxes by the window
EK and You

Moving? We’ve made it that little bit easier.

But if you are doing the moving thing, the good news is that switching your power to Electric Kiwi is quick, easy and...

EK and You

Too easy: How to join Electric Kiwi in 2mins

When starting Electric Kiwi, we knew that many people put switching electricity providers in the ‘too hard’ box. In doing so they were...

Industry Watch

Naked electricity is here! (not that kind of naked…)

We’re live! As of this morning, electrickiwi.co.nz opened its doors to New Zealanders looking for an electricity option that is cheaper, smarter and...

EK and You

Thanks to our beta testers!

In software development, a beta test is the final stage of testing. This is when any final glitches are ironed out with a...