
A cartoon man smiling next to his hot water cylinder, showcasing how to save on water heating costs with Electric Kiwi.

This is how we can lower your power bill, by saving on water heating

Water heating is one of the biggest contributors to home energy bills, not helped by the fact that most hot water cylinders in...


‘Knowledge is power’: How this EK customer is saving with MoveMaster

And it’s working a treat. Because of the day-time power generation by her solar, flexibility of supply from the battery and her separate...

Cartoon man enjoying a refreshing shower. Electric Kiwi trials smart meter tech to help save money on water heating.

Our awesome trial to save on water heating

No matter how many people are taking showers and baths at your place, chances are water heating is one of the biggest contributing...

Cartoon man luxuriates in a jacuzzi, stress-free thanks to lower spa heating costs and enjoying the benefits of lower power bills achieved through load shifting.

Enjoy your spa for less with MoveMaster

There are many different kinds of spa pools and pumps, but whichever type you have, most manufacturers recommend running them continuously if you’re...

Cartoon boy dives into swimming pool. Save on pool costs with Electric Kiwi's MoveMaster plan and half-price overnight rates for pool pumps.

Save on pool costs with MoveMaster

If you have a swimming pool at your place (lucky you), there’s a good chance it’s to blame for around 10-20% of your...

Smartphone transformed into a superhero-inspired robot displays Electric Kiwi app with Hour of Power highlighted. Power up your savings!

Master the Hour of Power

Whether you’re cleaning the dishes from last nights party, doing the washing or vacuuming up the remains of whatever it was the dog...

Cartoon boy and girl, inspired by Marty McFly and Doc Brown, use a remote to control appliances. Discover energy usage with our appliance usage guide!

Appliance Usage guide

Ever wondered how much energy all of your common household electrical appliances actually use? This information can help you make smart choices when...

Cartoon man dances energetically, symbolizing a master mover on the MoveMaster plan. Use appliances off-peak and save money!

Become a Master Mover

With a little practice, you can be a master of off-peak power usage on our MoveMaster plan. By moving more power off-peak, you’re...


3 ways we’re using smart technology to save you money

We started Electric Kiwi because we saw a gap for a power company that could maximise smart technology to save New Zealanders money...


The easiest money saving tip you’ll get this year

The numbers are out. In 2015 a record number of New Zealand consumers (419,000) switched their electricity provider, resulting in potential savings of...