Home Savings The easiest money saving tip you’ll get this year

The easiest money saving tip you’ll get this year

The numbers are out. In 2015 a record number of New Zealand consumers (419,000) switched their electricity provider, resulting in potential savings of more than $24 million.

Those 419,000 people would have found out (if they didn’t already know) that switching to a cheaper power company is one of the easiest and quickest money savers out there.

This is because the power company does all the work for you. All you have to do is give us your details. Electric Kiwi takes care of the rest, including contacting your current power company and getting them to do a final reading and issue you with a final bill.

With companies like Electric Kiwi, you don’t even need to get on the phone to switch to us. Just enter your details on our website and you’re done. All up, it takes less than 5 minutes.

What happens when you switch

  1. Once you’ve signed up to Electric Kiwi, you’ll receive a confirmation email from us to let you know the switch is underway. Legally, your previous power company has 10 working days to sort this with us, but in reality, it often happens much quicker.
  2. Your power stays connected the entire time, so it’s completely painless.
  3. You’ll receive another email from us when the switch is complete. From this point on you’ll be getting our low everyday prices and free daily Hour of Power.
  4. You’ll receive your final bill from your former power company, and your first bill from us will come a fortnight after the switch over date.

The best way to compare power deals

There are a couple of great independent websites which let you see how much you could save by switching power companies.

Powerswitch.co.nz is run by Consumer New Zealand. This provides a ranked list of power options ranked from cheapest to more expensive. It also notes the details of the plans (for example if you are required to be locked into a contract or not – so you know, Electric Kiwi does not have contracts.

Whatsmynumber.org.nz is run by the Electricity Authority. Enter in a few very quick details for a dollar figure for how much you could save by switching to the cheapest deal in your area.

We’ve tried to make directly comparing power deals even easier by providing our Price Comparison Calculator.

Just enter a couple of details from a recent power bill and our calculator will show you how much you could have saved over the same period with Electric Kiwi. 85% of people who’ve used the calculator have found they would have been better off with us…so it’s worth spending 30 seconds to find out!

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