Home Savings Group Mobile Plans: Yay or Nay? A Kiwi’s Guide to Shared Plans

Group Mobile Plans: Yay or Nay? A Kiwi’s Guide to Shared Plans

Kiwi mascot and his four buddies
No matter your data needs, there's a Kiwi Mobile group plan for you and your buddies!

So, you’re keen to suss out whether a group mobile plan is worth it? Well, grab a cuppa and settle in, ’cause we’re about to dive deeper than a gannet going for an octopus.

The Good, the Bad, and the Data-Hungry

Group mobile plans can be a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand, they can save you money if everyone’s on the same page about data usage. But let’s be real, who hasn’t been stuck with that one mate who streams Netflix 24/7 and blows through the whole data allowance before you can say “Bob’s your uncle”? Or that same person that means you need to join another group plan where you all have heaps of max speed data you don’t need.

Kiwis all have different needs in terms of data, and until now there was no easy way for Kiwis to get the benefit of buddying up as well as the freedom to have the plan that suits them best.  The good news is we reckon that’s all changed now Kiwi Mobile is on the scene.

The Kiwi Mobile Difference: Having buddies pays off

That’s where Kiwi Mobile’s option to add Buddies comes in. Unlike some of the other fellas, we reckon everyone should have their own max speed data allowance and not be tied to one data cap.

It means an end to paying a premium for someone else’s TikTok addiction.  

You can add friends and family to your plan while keeping everyone’s data separate! No sharing, no all having to pick the same max speed data limit.

Here’s the deal:

> Everyone saves: When you add buddies, everyone saves, with a lower daily rate (including you). 
> Mix and match data needs: Everyone gets the max speed data they need 
> No sharesies: Keep your data allowance to yourself
> Flexibility: Everyone can use a little max speed data one month and heaps the next, in their own individual way – no worries
> Unlimited standard calls and texts to NZ and AU: Yarn away to your heart’s content – everyone gets their own allowance here too

Comparing to the others

Let’s do a quick comparison on group plans by provider. As you can see, Kiwi mobile’s Choice plan has its nose ahead in terms of the features listed.

Details taken from an online review on the 15th of July 2024

So, are group mobile plans a good idea?

In a word. Yeah.

Adding Buddies can save you all some cash.

But we reckon that our Choice plan offers better freedom and therefor more potential savings than the others. 

To find out what you can save head to our site. In a few minutes you can calculate what you and your buddies could save!

Better yet. Call a buddy and crack on!

Learn more about buddies with Kiwi Mobile’s Choice plan here

Can include up to four buddies. Each buddy plan must be added to a primary account holders billing account who is responsible for all charges. You each get max speeds up to chosen data tier allowance (to 100GB per month), then Endless data at reduced max speeds of 1.2mbps.

Join today and

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